Huh, did those pesky wuzungoos return that Thunder Stone they whisked away to America?
This woman had no idea as to the whereabouts of the rain-making stone, but she was very pleased with her flourishing cornfield and the dried beans filling the cerehem at her waist.
A plot of Sudanese soil I loved!
Marigolds, cosmos, red and green leaf lettuce, tomatoes (planted from seed!!!), carrots and LOTS of weeds.
We only had four short hours to pack our things and say goodbye on Wednesday. However, I have to admit, I spent a few of those special Didinga minutes yanking those blasted weeds out of manito shanni (my garden).
Those radishes were the size of a small apple and did you know that basil can take up to 30 days to germinate? It was worth the wait, or it would have been, if we still lived there... Sad.
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