Saturday, June 22, 2013


After nearly five months in South Sudan, Abbi and I relished a little time of rest, relaxation and reflection on the cloudy, but nonetheless beautiful, Kenyan coast this past week.

I was pretty worn out, pretty ready for a break.  

Evidence of weariness... I only took two picture the whole time we were on holiday.
Picture #1
Abbi and I rented bikes from some dude we met on the road one day.  The alignment on Abbi's was wanky and mine didn't have any brakes - as in, walk down steep hillsides or die trying, NO brakes!!!

I felt like a carefree, summer loving, 9 year-old riding that death trap of a bike back and forth from the rinky dink coastal market and swimming hole.  It was lovely!!!  

Photo #2
These monkeys wanted a sip of my morning coffee... I refused. 

We will be heading back into Nagishot early Monday morning.

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