Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January Prayer Update

The new school year starts in February. I am really excited!
Please pray for:
  • Our students. Pray for their academic and spiritual futures. Ask God to open their ears to hear and truly understand the Gospel, so that their hearts may fully accept the love of Christ Jesus.
  • Our National Teachers. This year my responsibilities will be divided between classroom teaching and training teachers. As the saying goes, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Please pray that my "leading" is God directed and that my Didinga "horses" are ready to drink.
  • Our Khwaja Teachers. I am no longer the only Khwaja (or white) teacher in Nagishot. This year, newcomers Abbi, Trey and Mark will be joining me in the schools. Please pray for us all as we navigate teaching in a foreign land in a foreign language. Pray for patience, servant hearts, perseverance and God's love for the Didinga wee ones in our care.
  • Health. Staying healthy continues to be a major struggle for me in Sudan. Please pray for a healthy body, one fit to fight off the many illness I daily encounter. Pray also that I would not grow discouraged when sick, but rather find refuge in our Lord's embrace.
  • Language. I am incredibly grateful for my new language helper and friend, Joyce. Under the guidance of her strong teaching skills and endless encouragement, my Didinga has improved. My goal this year is to attain a Level 3 in all areas of Language Acquisition, including: vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, grammar and pronunciation. Reaching this goal will not be easy. However, it is more than worthwhile. Please pray that I would remain committed to consistently studying language. I am all to aware of the real barriers caused from language deficiencies. Barriers that can impede my teaching, building strong and meaningful relationships and sharing the Word of God.
  • My personal relationship with Christ. Pray as David did in the 62nd Psalm, that my soul would, "...find rest in God alone" Pray that I would know that, "He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress." Pray that I will never be shaken. That I would hear and hold dear those powerful words, "that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving."
Thank you so much for praying!
In Him,

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