Sunday, July 29, 2012

A cow ate my pants!!!

Throughout my years here in Didinga, I have endured my fair share of thievery.

I am continually learning what it means to hold loosely to the treasures of this world.

Late last night, a black, sodium deficient, brand name seeking cow broke into our yard and onto our porch, where my clothes were drying.   After chewing significant holes into my Smartwool long-johns and my blue Patagonia dry-fit shirt, a shirt which has been a Didinga clothing staple since 2008, this pesky cow moved onto dessert.  He (I mean she…) must be a party animal because she completely devoured (as in, not a trace remains) my black Patagonia dress.    

Now, it should be mentioned that this high-falooting, brand snob of a cow completely ignored the rest of the clothesline.  My faded sweatpants, stretched out Gap t-shirt from 1999, the multitude of holey, stained hand-me-downs, cast off from former missionaries and the lovely second-hand wardrobe I have picked up overtime at the street market in Nairboi, were all hanging on the line unscathed this morning. 

Go figure!

1 comment:

Mountain Mama said...

Hmmmm good taste....literally! But bummer for you!