Wednesday, January 26, 2011

P3's Paintings

"Christmas Clothes" by Lucy Yaya

Painting was an entirely new activity for my students. They'd never held a paintbrush before, and maybe I am just a proud old teacher, but I think that they did a pretty nice job on their Christmas water-colors. Don't you???

"Bathing at the Stream for Christmas" by Comboni

"Christmas in Nagishot"

"Christmas football in Nagishot" by Marko

"The First Christmas"

"Christmas in Nagishot" by Nadoci

"The First Christmas"

"Marko" Self-Portrait

"The First Christmas" by Josephine the Artist.

"The First Christmas"

"The First Christmas"

"The First Christmas"

"The First Christmas"

And yet another, "The First Christmas"
Apparently, our next art lesson should be on the fine points of individuality...

"Christmas in Nagishot"

"The First Christmas"

"Christmas in Nagishot" by Bakita

1 comment:

lori said...

These are GREAT!

Kim, what about using these images of the kids' artwork, having them made into simple blank greeting cards, and selling them as part of your fund-raising efforts! Crud, I hereby place an order even now.

If you'd like, I would be happy to help with this idea, or even head it up and do it myself. I would probably need to hop on it in the next three months, before my baby is born. :) I would use facebook and my blog to sell them, with all proceeds going toward your support, of course. What do you think? You'd just need to email me some of the images.